Caleb Daniel was born on September 14, 2015, and we loved him.
A little less than 10 hours later, he went away.
The Friday after our precious baby left this earth we had a memorial service, our pastor asked what music my daughter and son in law would like; The numbness did not allow us to choose, so we left it up to him.
He chose one song to sing.
It Is Well With My Soul
My daughter said to me, "That is my favorite hymn."
Jake did not know that, but God did.
We were unable to sing the words, in fact I may never be able to sing them again, but I know those words to be true.
Caleb was loved from the moment he was conceived, this is what a friend said to me. She was right. We all knew from the first ultrasound that something was wrong, that there would be challenges. It became a roller coaster of misdiagnosis, partial diagnosis, and best and hopeful prognosis. Soon we knew Skeletal Dysplasia was our reality. We learned that this broad term referred to Dwarfism and that it entailed over 300 disorders associated with it. It became apparent Caleb was going to be on the very rare side.
Our family was not angry, we were sad. We did not know what the future would hold but we went on... Waiting and hoping to meet him.
Looking back, every sign was there that sweet Caleb would probably not stay here long, but it didn't matter, it did not consume us.
It was well with our soul.
When he came we knew immediately things were not going to go as we had hoped.
It was a beautiful day, and the saddest day of our existence.
Caleb was surrounded by those who loved him when he finally came into the room. Knowing his time was short, I watched my daughter hold her first born child until he passed away.
My heart ached to a depth unknown.
One can cry so deeply that it feels as though every ounce of your energy has left your body.
A tired I have never experienced set in; That same tiredness comes still, even with only a few tears.
Those tears come from a deep, deep well.
And yet, it is well with my soul.
Your heart can bleed and ache
. Your eyes can swell.
Your body can hurt.
Your mind can question and you may want to scream and smash away every emotion.
You can know today we should be tired from a fussy baby, and we should be fighting with a stroller that won't fold up and go into the car!
You can gasp and loose your breathe when you find the bibs and bumbo you tucked away.
You can cry and cry and cry when you know there is a closed door to a beautiful nursery with an empty crib and a Pooh bear in a rocker.
You can die inside......
And it can still be well with your soul.
Because not for a moment did God not KNOW that Caleb would touch our lives so deeply. That he would be missed so much and that He would take him home so soon.
God knew that he would be our rock.
God knew that he would provide a peace that cannot be understood.
God knew that we would mourn and tire so deeply. He knew we would be here for each other, that he had surrounded us with friends that loved us.
He knew that Caleb would be free from physical burdens and whole in his arms.
But first he let us love him. He let us feel the depth of pain he felt when his son died on the cross.
He let us know that all life is precious, that all life is fleeting, that we should love, and hug one another and be there for each other.
He let us know that life is so very hard and in that storm, in that despair, in the deepest place of loss, it can be well with our soul.
Forever Caleb's grandma
October is Infant Loss Awareness and Dwarfism Awareness month.

- When peace, like a river, attendeth my way,
When sorrows like sea billows roll;
Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say,
It is well, it is well with my soul.-
It is well with my soul,
It is well, it is well with my soul.
- Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
Let this blest assurance control,
That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
And hath shed His own blood for my soul. - My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought!—
My sin, not in part but the whole,
Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul! - For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live:
If Jordan above me shall roll,
No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. - But, Lord, ’tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait,
The sky, not the grave, is our goal;
Oh, trump of the angel! Oh, voice of the Lord!
Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul! - And Lord, haste the day when the faith shall be sight,
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll;
The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend,
Even so, it is well with my soul.
Horatio G. Spafford, 1873
blessings and thanks for visiting
I am sorry for your loss. May God continue to bless your family
Your tribute to precious Caleb Daniel is very touching and beautiful. I have yet to find what words to say to Shannon and Trace but I will. There is nothing really that will comfort someone during a loss such as this precious tiny life. But your words help each person who ever had to deal with such a blow as this. I am hugging you across all the states between us from my Colorado home to your North Dakota home. I will always be praying. Peace and wisdom come from God above. I am praying hard for all of us. XO Anne
I"m crying so hard I can't even type..I have no words for your family pain my dear friend..sending Hugs and love from California..Gloria
Thank you for sharing this precious life with us. My heart hurts and I cried with you while reading this letter, and yet we haven't even met. You said it very well when you compared it to a storm. A huge, black, all encompassing storm. But, remember the sun will come out again. He promised us it would and gave us a rainbow as a reminder. May God bless and keep each and every one of you.
I can hardly type for the tears streaming down my face. My heart is broken for you. Such pain is almost not bearable. God Bless.
Oh Shannon, I am so sorry for your loss! I pray for God's comfort for you and your family. I can only imagine the pain you are all feeling.
Dearest Shannon, It is a tremendous reach for one to know what you and your sweet family are going through. Rarely do we see people with such love and grace in dealing with this terrible loss. The only way you could do that is through the love and caring our sweet Lord has for his children. Your post is an endearing and lasting tribute to sweet Caleb.
Praying for you and your family,
IHN, Ginger
Dear Sweet Shannon-
I've stood at that place.
I am forever Oma to two sweet babies. The love is so great and the ache is so does tire you.
Rest in the LORD. I know you do. Hold your daughter...and cry. Hug your son in law...
God is Faithful.
The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen
I can't say that I can even begin to imagine the pain and loss you are feeling, but I can say I know that God can bring healing and comfort to the broken-hearted. His grace is sufficient, and the knowledge of that I'm sure brings comfort to your weary hearts.
We'll continue to pray for you as you travel this road in your lives.
I am so very deeply sorry for your loss.
I pray for you and your family. I know how much it hurts. We lost an angel 8 years ago. Even knowing it was coming does not make it easier. But God gave my daughter a child two years later and he is a gift from God we are sure about that. God will bless them when they are ready. Just know that you are not alone and it will get better. Lots of hugs.
I pray for you and your family. I know how much it hurts. We lost an angel 8 years ago. Even knowing it was coming does not make it easier. But God gave my daughter a child two years later and he is a gift from God we are sure about that. God will bless them when they are ready. Just know that you are not alone and it will get better. Lots of hugs.
Dearest Sweet Shannon, I just wanted to say how very beautiful & glorious your heart & soul are that you so shared with us! So glorious as your sweet grandbaby, your sweet daughter & son in law & so blessed The Lord has blessed to gift you all to each other!! I lost my Son, he was 28, he had the most beautiful, kind, generous, loving caring heart & soul that he so gave away to all around him all the time... Always thinking first of others before himself ... Till the day he left us. He was ill & decided he could not continue to go on that ripped my heart out, hurt then & still to a depth I cannot explain & the weariness of it so overpowering! But I know The Lord carries us all through these unbearable times in our lives. We are so loved & blessed by Our Sweet Loving Saviour! For me I feel ever closer to my Son & Our Saviour, but never has it stopped hurting, have I stopped missing, wishing it could have been different at the same time thanking The Lord that my Son got to stop suffering so much & knowing he is in the presence & arms of Our Lord!
My heart, soul & prayers are with you, your precious Daughter & son in law & family! May you always feel held in Our Saviours arms & know his great Love.
Thank you for sharing Connie in Oregon
I am so sorry for your loss. What a gift from God to have the peace to say "it is well with my soul ", when it is not well with our circumstances.
Thank you for sharing your heart.
My heart aches for you and your family....I just happened upon your blog post....on an evening when such joy filled us as our son called, then put his own little 2 year old son on the phone. We heard him talk for the first time, saying words his daddy used to say when he himself was two.
"Moo, moo, moon ...out" said my own son at age two. And tonight I heard his son, age two, say the same little words. I couldn't stop smiling thinking of how life goes around in such interesting circles.
I think I was meant unknowingly, to see and read your post tonight. Maybe your little Caleb too sees the moon tonight...from Heaven.
God's grace be with you always.