Friday, November 20, 2009

This is Why We Have Girlfriends

  I sat with some friends at the local coffee shop. Sometimes those days with old friends, sunshine and the smell of coffee do wonders for you, especially when they are filled with laughter.
  My friend, Ginger told us a story, I think one we can all relate to in some way.
A couple years ago, her man bought her a Christmas present! One he picked out himself no less.
She was at his families when the lovely box was presented, a big box...
she wondered, "what could it possibly be?"
 She was excited, grinning from ear to ear, she began to unwrap the package-
and the moment came,
You know the one, the moment when you try to maintain your smile, you try not to shrink in your skin, and you think..."I hope what is on the box isn't what is in the box." was!
yes, it was a shiny
                                       wine go on your counter no less.
OH! the shock and awe.

so...... the wine holder sits upon the counter, massive, holding  the one bottle of wine it could.
Later ...

 Ginger moved this summer, 2 years had passed, and her girlfriend came to help her pack.
The moment came, when you need your girlfriends most. Her friend  said, " It is time", holding the great work of art in her hands, an unspoken kindred moment between two women occurred. Ginger replied, "It is time."
Now a few details had to be worked out,
   A good friend does not want you to lie, so you see, it is all in the wording.
After a month in the new place, the man looked around in the kitchen, and Ginger thought "oh no".
He said, "Is all he unpacking done?"
Ginger "yep, pretty much"
Man "I see you have your wine stuff out but I don't see the motorcycle."
Ginger "oh, I was hoping you wouldn't notice, you see when we were packing, my friend broke it, she is very emotional about it so I thought it best not to bring it up, and I don't think we should replace it because I don't want her to be reminded when she comes over and sees it."
Man "yeah, I suppose that is best."

                                 Note: she broke it, details unnecessary
                                          she was emotional, not she felt bad

This is why we need girlfriends. they understand.

Monday, November 2, 2009

I Forget?

  Sitting at a 4 way stop waiting for the light to change.
I guess that is what she was doing, staring off into space, people to the left and the right went, then those across, back to the left...she just sat there.
  I feel for her. The woman in the white car, having been there myself.

Recently I had company for dinner, I made stuffed mushrooms. My company was running late so I turned off the oven and left them inside to stay warm. Dinner came and went. When I needed my favorite pan the next day, where do you suppose it was?  Yes, in the oven filled with crusty shriveled mushrooms.
  I once looked for my purse for 20 minutes, I was in a panic looking high and low. It was on my arm the entire time.
I wonder how often the woman in the white car walks into a room only to just stand there and wonder why?
Three times I went from my bedroom to the living room for something.....something I needed! My day could not progress without it. The first time I got distracted by the flowers on the table that needed watering. hmmmm why was I here? Aww!  next trip the laundry buzzer went off so I switched the loads.
pfft !  no clue .
Back to the bedroom, finish make up and getting dressed-OH YAH! back to the living room to get the much needed yet elusive item holding up my day. My bra! in the laundry pile, how could I forget that??
 Done with aimless wandering and onto the next task
  if only I could remember what it was.
maybe I was suppose to meet the woman in the white car?
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