Well it is Christmas and all the cards and letters and photos are arriving.
With one noticeable absence, photos of the over 40 group.
Self included.
I have heard some of us say "who would want a picture of us?"
Remember when we were young.
All pictures were great, the worst had bad hair or a goofy grin, some had the terrible eyes closed look.
That is about as bad as it got.
I grew up and started to take photos of my own kids, friends, birthday parties, etc.
One day I realized, there are no pictures of me any more.
Then it happens,
someone actually takes one.
I now know why there are fewer and fewer photos of me, and it's a good thing.
First someone else's face has replaced mine....
Crow's feet???? more like buffalo tracks.
and what is that hanging from my chin?
My neck looks more like a Char Pei and my eyelids are now where my cheeks used to be.
So, I'll turn for a profile pic, have the camera man step back, from far away, that will be better.
Pfft, looks like a tepee, Just gettin' wider all the way down.
However if I turn a little to the right I can get rid of a little of the ever attractive back fat.
And for heaven's sake, NEVER take a photo in a short sleeve shirt, one good gust of wind and my arms look like the Nina and Pinta have both raised the sails on the high seas.
Some time ago
the goofy smile was replaced by a scowl
and the closed eyes by the over the bifocal glance.
The bad hair... that stayed.