Monday, May 31, 2010

Contest Old and New

It is time to announce the winner of the first Southern Belle with Northern Roots give away!
so.......I thought I would tell you about a fabulous contest I won, a few years ago.
The local am station 970 had a contest called you guess em you got em they gave hints, you guessed the prize...but.....had to keep adding to the list, you see no one won until all 10 prizes had been guessed. It kept building. you guess  one, get the next hint, next caller names the two and guesses the third and so on until all 10 prizes were revealed. I listened everyday......and missed every clue and every guess.
   Well. One night after a particularly bad week, bad because of my attitude, I had been rather bullish and rude to my husband. He had another kidney stone attack.........he has many!! I was irritated with him, can you believe that? He missed work, we were behind on bills and I was a nasty fool. No sympathy from me at all.

That night I dared ask God to win that contest, as if , what had I done to deserve to win such an awesome gift. I listened to the radio, caught someone going through the list,and missed half of it.......

                  Now....I promise there is NO exaggeration here.
I woke up the next morning, without the alarm.....and I am not a morning person. just before 7 am
I stood at the radio......... heard the key to call..... didn't get in . Listening and writing intently I was able to fine tune my list, they took 4 callers. All of them went through the list, naming all 9 prizes.......all guessed the last prize wrong.
That clue I had actually heard a couple times....ideas swimming in my head, narrowed by the previous guessers.... the last guess had been 970 hot dogs.
wait for it 
           wait for it
 within 10 min the contest was on again.....caller 10!
I dialed with my cell phone in one line in the other......another miracle if you knew my coordination.
And yes........caller 10 was me!!! My heart was nearly pounding out of my chest!
Now...for the list. The one I had just filled in all the blanks by listening to the other callers.
The radio announcer asked.....did you listen to the clue?????
me- Yes
announcer....did you listen to the guesses??
me- Yes, is it that simple???

ok we are, name the prizes
ME- #1  $970 in cash
 #2   $970 in groceries from local grocery store
#3 $970 in gas
#4  1 years free car washes
#5   trip for 2 to Las Vegas
#6  a Holland gas grill
#7   a hot tub
#8   a Honda ATV
#9    a 52 in plasma tv
announcer......yes and number 10?
me- hot dogs?
announcer- simpler........
 me- A HOT DOG?
all of a sudden the Hallelujah chorus began to play....really!  the announcer said I had won....all 10 prizes!!!
Now I thought of posting the blood curdling scream of  a middle aged woman that just lost her mind and all sense of self respect...but I am not going to.
I woke up my children, they came running. We woke up my husband, he had only been asleep for a couple should have seen his eyes when the tv came up!
God blessed us with an amazing prize package, because I asked him to, NOT because I deserved it. I didn't. God did it because he is God and his specialty is blessing those who do not deserve it. I had a calendar with scripture on it. The verse  for that week was.....James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights who does not change like the shifting shadows.

The limo that came to get us.

Eating the famous hot dog at the radio station

The hot tub!!
We don't skinny dip......we chunky dunk!!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Contest Winner Cottage Giveaway

I want to thank everyone who participated in the 4th Annual cottage giveaway this year. To those of you who entered my contest Thank YOU than YOU! Those  who chose to follow I want you to know how much I appreciate you and I hope you will stick around and leave lots of comments so we can stay in touch! The winner of the Southern Belle with Northern Roots contest is.................Abigail at Raising Camelot.
Congratulations!!!! Please contact me with your mailing address. Enjoy!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Growing Babies

Well the babies are growing up. This week the new baby dove arrived. Only 1 of the two eggs hatched. Cute as can be. Her he/she is...........
And this baby...........
Turned 21 this week!!!!!
Here she is hanging with the Old Navy mannequins.

       This baby...........
just got his drivers license!!!
Oh my how the time has flown by......
Here they are now......the one in the center is my son's girlfriend. What a cute bunch!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Laundry room redo part 2

Well it is finished. After the water leak that left us with this.
Besides the mess, the room was just plain ugly. Old brown 70's paneling and nothing but a junk collection. Since we don't have a garage it has to be very functional. This little 7 1/2 foot by 12 foot room has 3 doors, the water heater, heating air unit, washer/dryer, small freezer tools and dog stuff. Yep what a mess.

So it used to look like this.

And now looks like this......

From this.....
To this.......
Before..... ewe!!
And After.....

Plus a little peg board for some more organization and some great metal baskets I found at a garage sale for 50 cents.

So after 3 coats of cone flower yellow and some white trim. 4 coats of white on the cupboards and 3 coats of spray poly urethane, a new floor, new insulation. 500 dollars to the heating guy to uninstall and reinstall the heating system, and a lot of hard work by my husband we are done!!
see part one here.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grass Stain Farm

We had the privilege of visiting some friends on their farm this weekend. Pop on over and see them at Grass Stain Farm  .          We had our first taste of raw milk.....tastes like milk. I was afraid it wouldn't, as if......

The inside of the farm house was quaint indeed, they love their blue grass music there.

The boys ate chocolate. (Both have their mouths full of Saltine Toffee crackers. )
I think the girls were in the chocolate too, but not as obvious.
We toured the lovely farm and saw the animals...starting with the dogs....
And cats.......
The cows.....
 We saw Erbert and Gerbert....not sure which one this is......
Playing peek a boo way out in the trees is the fainting goat, we did not startle him so he did not faint. I guess that is a good thing! 
There were Icelandic sheet with babies, but they were afraid of us and ran away.

Here is Mrs. Grass Stain....LOL! I am not sure if she goes by that.
 and here is part of her amazing button collection.
 the men held down the fence...
and watched us climb over it trying to see the sheep.
We loved the Grass Stain Farm!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Visitor

Now that it is time to water  the new plants and seeds in the  garden, we seem to have a guest that has complicated things a bit.
She is beautiful. And pretty brave now.....unless the lawn mower comes out!!
We have had to find another hose for a few weeks. 
I love to listen to her in the morning. (Soon it may get kind of noisy.)

Next up my lilacs have bloomed!!! After years of not blooming due to naughty little bunnies chewing them.
For years those little bunnies would chew the stems down to about 6 inches, since lilacs set bloom in spring, for the next year....... that means no flowers.
But these blooms smell lovely!!!
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