Just an update, After a scheduled hysterectomy on Dec 10, I came home and began to get very sick. I returned to the ER on Dec 16, and was admitted with a quick 1AM exploratory surgery. I had small bowel obstruction and an area of infection in a diverticulitis pouch. This was quite a surgery, at least from my end!
I had tubes where I didn't want them (the nose is awful!!) and stomach drains, 31 staples, was very sore and in and out of what I know now was serious morphine wonderland. oof! very little sleep, at least without hallucinations the first nights.
I was dismissed Christmas eve 24th after the opened the top layer of part of the wound, it was trying to get infected.
So now I am home, praying for full recovery with no more set backs. My husband is packing the wound daily and dong a good job taking care of me. My kids are wonderful helps and my daughter has really been amazing!
My step mother is on her way from Mississippi today, flying in for more help so I am in wonderful hands and feel fully blessed.
Many of my friends have given food, gift certificates, and time and I am so thankful.
All blogs that posted during that time were preposts because from Dec 9 until now I actually did not
touch a computer (minus phone facebook updates)
wear a bra ;)
put on make up or fix hair (barely brushed it)
read any wonderful blogs :(
anyway .....have a wonderful NEW YEAR thanks to all the lovely comments you all made and for even stopping by to "see" me.
we have lots of snow here in ND.....do you?
blessings and thanks for visiting