Friday, October 28, 2011

Follower Giveaway

would you like to have this vintage cosmetic case?

 And a set of 12 napkins, these are an odd fabric for napkins if you ask me, but you can see they cost someone some money, I however, picked them up at a far better price. Shhhh!  Who know you may find another use for them.

 And a cameo and 12 ice cream cone paper covers.

 ok how to enter!
Open to followers only of this blog or facebook page.

1- leave a comment here guessing what I paid in total for the entire gift package. It isn't the closest guess that will win, this is just the fun part, I will tell you when I draw a winner what the total cost was.( How to follow, if you do not have a blog- set up a google id, sign in and hit the  join this site button on the side., you may set up an annonymous id, but will need an active email address)

 2- Like on facebook, leave a comment here or on that page, not my personal facebook page.

3- share the giveaway on your page, facebook page or blog sidebar for a 3rd entry, be sure and let me know the share.

You must have an email on your account or left in your comment, if there is no email contact another winner will be drawn.
Open to USA and Canada only- sorry

 Drawing open until November 18th.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Real men wear capes

 As a child I wanted to be invisible, to sneak around, unseen and unheard, that was the super power I desired. My husband wanted to fly.

  I waited by the door, directly in front of me was the NOOK display, behind it a gentleman perhaps in his late 40's with lightly graying longer hair and two twenty something male co-workers cantering about kept me entertained without ever knowing it. They began to reminisce of childhood days when every sheet in the house had wrinkles from clothespins, not from hanging on the line to dry but from being transformed into magical capes.
 Each took a stance, half squatted, whooshing an arm from their side to their forehead,raising the all powerful imaginary cape, emphasizing how important it was to actually make the whoosh sound.
  Then....the true spark. One mentioned how he had seen a video on how to make a smoke bomb...and oh! how cool it would be if it actually worked.  The glee in those eyes, the smiles that lit, imagine the miracles that could be if only smoke appeared when the cape was raised!

 I wanted to laugh, to smile directly at them and even say something, but no. No girl should enter those conversations. A male super hero fantasy needs no female interruption. I tried to remain invisible.
  God made men to be superheroes, little boys to wear capes and kill beasts. Little girls need not be invisible, they too can don a cape and soar to new heights but boys.....
   they were made to ride the white horse
                to enter through fog and smoke
                       to save the princess and slay the bad guy.
It is a wonderful thing.
  Those men went back to their business of stocking magazines and helping customers but when the first silent lull came.....
one of the younger men leaned toward the older and said, "Do you think that smoke bomb would really work?"
         and whoosh! he was gone.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Monday, October 17, 2011

Perfect Barns

A cloudy cool day on a North Dakota husband went hunting and I finally got to take a couple photos of barns. This means I finally get to link up to Barn Charm
 I have never lived on a farm but used to visit relatives that did, even as a child I loved the old wood, the chipped paint and the cozy feel of something that has seen many days. Just simple, classic, and necessary. Solid in their day........

 now a little shaken, less sturdy but still necessary.

 necessary to tell the story

 of a time gone by.

Once  filled with hay and musty smells and cobwebs. Broken? Outdated?
Simple perfect barn charm.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Fall Walk






 Summer ending



blessings and thanks for visiting

Friday, October 14, 2011

More Crap, Perhaps my husband won't notice?

 Some of you seen this great deal I found this $3.00 washtub. Found in the end of the season, I never planted in it but was looking forward to next year when I could.....6 months or more from now. I saw it just sitting there in the yard, so lonely, dreading the coming snow and ice. I couldn't bear to leave it outside any longer.

 I may have outjunked myself....I know it is just stuff and not even nice stuff by most folks standards but gosh darn I kinda like it. I love the metal, rust, chippy paint, it just feels like an old homestead to me.

 Besides we need easy access to the firewood.

 Do you think it works or just too much? *gasp*

 Funky Junk
Show and Tell Friday
Wow us Wednesdays
Lamb Around

blessings and thanks for visiting

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Giveaway at ND Kitchen

 pop on over to my other blog North Dakota Kitchen to see how to enter this giveaway!!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Winner! and sneak peek at next giveaways...

 Congratulations to Patty in Kansas, the winner of the 400 follower giveaway!!

 Here is a peek at the next upcoming be announced next week here on SBNR.

And to celebrate my blog North Dakota Kitchen hitting over 500 on facebook a giveaway there will begin this week! Stop by and follow via blogger, google reader or like on .

blessings and thanks for visiting

Monday, October 10, 2011

Old Crate, New Use

 I love old crates, especially when I stumble upon one that was free, and stuffed with firewood! There it was abandoned by its owner, left in a garage of a friend....unwanted. Well, I had to fix that, knowing since it was filled with firewood, I could bring it home to a husband that would understand that part of it. He really didn't know I actually wanted the crate and the wood was.....a bonus?

 I added a center board for a divider.

an old hinge for a toilet paper holder, with one of my favorite other sale finds this year...the well used tool tray!

 So...hinge- $1.00, tool tray- $2.00, vintage jars- $1.00, quilt- also from a sale- $10.00 on a $1.00 quilt, plus firewood. turns colder and the sales end here in ND until next Spring. Thrift stores just are not the same and antique stores cost much more....I shall relish my great finds ..these are only a few!

White Wednesday
Funky Junk
Table Top Tuesday
Vintage Inspiration Fridays
Inspiration Friday

 Nifty Thrifty Things
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

New Post At Pig Tales

Our place had three levels and the staircase between the main floor and upstairs bedrooms holds many memories for me. At the end of that staircase  was the large gold frame mirror where once a  little girl with an unwanted  pixie haircut peered in crying.
About half way down you could see into the living room and kitchen, if I sat there the wall still had me hidden from view but I could see everything going on in that  mirror, this is how I watched the troubling tv series Sybil. I wasn't allowed to watch it but something inside me really wanted to. I was hiding there in terror watching as Kunta Kinte had his foot chopped off on the series Roots, for years I couldn't sleep with my foot hanging off the edge of the bed. I spent hours there, playing, running and jumping, skipping steps making large leaps to the bottom, but a haunting memory of violence is most associated with the staircase.  Read more HERE

 If interested, please follow on Shannonspigtales.blogspot

blessings and thanks for visiting
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