Wednesday, February 29, 2012

oh Baby! you doll!

 Vintage dolls and some of my favorite pals have recently been released from captivity. With a new girl cave I was able to find a perfect setting for this composition doll that was my mothers.

 She had a bit of a hard time before I received her, she shows her age a tad. Not in her original dress, she is still dressed in vintage sheer pink.

 When I was little these dolls made their way into my things, somehow I knew not to play with them even though my mother told me very little about them. She was never sentimental so I am very glad a few of them found their way into my box!

 This however, is monkey, I do remember playing with him, evidently enough to wear the fur off him and break his banana. I even remember what happened to his eye, around the time I was 7 or 8 perhaps, I began to notice how dirty he was and thought he could use a good cleaning. Nail polish remover was my choice....and as you can see, it didn't exactly work like I had planned. Monkey never seemed to mind.

 Another composition doll of my mothers is this fine chap, missing only his feet, he still sports his western attire. It seems she told me a dog chewed him up, I am guessing he must have meant something to her since she saved him in that condition.

 Oh....Wiggly Giggly, she was my favorite! Her smile soothed me many a time. Miss Giggly is wearing a blue Baby Tenderlove dress from the early 70's. the time the cabbage patch craze hit, I was a teen, I worked in KMart when a batch arrived and remember the absolute chaos around that pallet of dolls. This chap is the only one I ever owned, I got him when I was 18. My step mother Rachel had a friend stationed in Scotland, so she had her buy a doll for me and one for each of my sisters. They were a hot item there too but not nearly like the craze here in the states. Rachel sent us out for a bit and while we were gone she set up the table for a party and had each doll sitting in our places. Now I was clearly the oldest and I was quite excited to see them so I can only imagine how my sisters, 6 and 12 yrs younger than me, were!
 He means a lot to me because of that little party and the extra mile Rachel went to get him and the extra miles he came. His name is Osgood Fritz, it is his certified name and I have never forgotten it.

 So here is some of the dolls that have made it of mine and my moms. Everyone but the first doll went back into the box...for now. They don't seem to mind and are always glad to see me when they come out. Wiggly Giggly still makes me smile and monkey just seems to comfort me. I think I will always keep them.

you can see monkey here and Wiggly in a pink dress on the top

 Vintage Inspiration Friday

blessings and thanks for visiting

Thursday, February 23, 2012


 Giveaway for (SBNR) followers!

Ok...truth..I was cleaning out my scrapbooking supplies and I think part of the reason I quite scrappin' is because I was overwhelmed with stuff. So many stickers and papers that I could never use so rather than organize I simply quit!
I have gathered enough for two giveaways...a couple things that are opened or partially used will be included in each is a lot of new stuff too.  This giveaway will run until March 15.
All paper/ribbon/embellishments you see in photos included.

some things included - 1 package metal snaps, 1 package vellum sayings, clear vellum tags, ribbon, twine, self adhesive eyelet trim, tags, 6x6papers, decorative corners, folded paper cones in assorted sizes and styles, tin self adhesive borders-12 inch,

 To Enter Giveaway #1
1 Be a follower and leave a comment
2 Follow SouthernBelle NorthernRoots on Facebook and leave a comment here saying so.
3 Share giveaway on your blog or facebook and leave comment saying you have done so.
 Up to three entries each.
If you do not have a blog profile, please be sure and leave your email, if I have no way of contacting you another winner will be drawn.
Drawing March 15, winner announced March 16.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Where did you go?

 When you were a baby, just sitting up
you would grin and your eyes light up
the blanket would pull
up over your head
where did you go?

Peek a boo!
and there you were
not far from me
you were all of my world.

When you were two
and fast on your feet...... running away,
 giggling inside
looking for me from your place to hide
where did you go?

There you were under the bed
clutching your blanket-
reaching to me
do it again! and so we did.

When you were ten
and riding your bike,
big enough now -
I watched you disappear around the corner...
where did you go?

Soon you came with
pride on your face,
 yet glad to be home.

Independence grew 
and so did you,
friends and activities
sometimes your place at the table was empty.
where did you go?

 You returned  home
my worry ceased
your smile at ease
and my heart at peace.

Then you grew up-
and walked out the door,
on your own now
less often around
where did you go?

I don't know your day
I don't know your friends
I don't see your smile at 
every day's end
where did you go?

I find myself wishing for
peek a boo and tag.
                                                  author-  Shannon I Olson

blessings and thanks for visiting

Monday, February 20, 2012

Little Unexpected Things

 I wanted to re-highlight the vignette in the Uber Shabby Room Parts 1 & 2.
I love the mix of the milk glass with the weathered urns and spindles.  

 I like the element of surprise when an odd object is placed somewhere unexpected or used for something unusual.

 More spindles mixed with flowers in the bathroom along with a hanging rake.

 Using a rustic wood tool tray, old wooden crate, enamel ware and weathered hinge in the same room give you an unexpected flare toward vintage.

 I never showed y'all my grain scoop I bought back in December, it now holds a few of my cookbooks.

 Of course if you have followed me very long you know my passion for tool trays and anything galvanized. Isn't she a beautiful fruit basket today? (pay no mind to the messy countertops in the background)

 oh! and look- we just stopped by a man store, the kind with nuts and bolts and chains and pulleys....the kind of place you would never expect to find heavy ceramic coated cast iron pans....for $10.00 each! wooohooo! (dust on green pan courtesy of store)  I love that little unexpected great find!

 PS.. there is a new giveaway coming soon....

Table Top Tuesday
White Wednesday
Funky Junk

blessings and thanks for visiting

Sunday, February 19, 2012

blogs, awards and Corn in my Coffee Pot

When I first started blogging I remember seeing sights that said they had received blogger awards. I thought oh I wonder if I will ever win one and how do you go about getting one. Know why? because that is me....self seeking, but I talked about that last week.
Then I began to see award free blogs. OH MY!!! I thought why wouldn't anyone want an award, I saw what they were and began to understand both sides. I did receive and award or two a while ago and decided not to bother anyone with my silly facts about myself or to possibly impose on someone that didn't want an award or offend someone by not giving them one.

Well, here is an award I am going to accept...why? Because it comes from Pat at Corn in My Coffee Pot. I have never met her but she is one of those ladies that makes me smile from the inside out. She has been a true friend in the blogging community and is an amazing support person. Her comments lift me up and she is one of those people that reads what I say, and gets it, when I actually have something worthwhile to say.  If I don't meet her here on earth....I look forward to having coffee with her in heaven...maybe some corn too.
 Thanks Pat!

 Here are the RULES for the Versatile Blogger Award-

1. Add the award to your blog. 

2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you.

3. Mention seven random things about yourself. (see below)

4. List the rules.

5. Award to 15 bloggers.

6. Inform each of those 15 by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here are SEVEN random things about me...
   like it or not!

1. I never shave my armpits. Now not because I don't believe in it but...because hair does not grow in my armpits.   feel closer to me yet?
2. I grew up in Williston ND which was at that time a little town....if you haven't heard of 
Williston, search it online and see how the oil boom has changed my little town, now a fast growing boom town.
3. I used to work in custom framing in a Ben Franklin store.
4. I don't do windows, with the exception of an occasional dog nose print.
5. I love music, especially blues, good rock and country. Third Day is my favorite Christian music group, and I have seen Ozzy, Iron Maiden, Kenny Rogers, Nicole C. Mullen and WASP, (as well as others)  in is that for a wide range.
6. I am a movie fanatic and own hundreds of DVD's and am a full fledged Netflix junkie. I wish I could tell you I am one of those ....I just don't watch  that much tv but ....I have killed many a braincell on worthless mind numbing flicks!
7. I love animals, especially dogs. In the war of dogs vs sorry but dogs rule. If your a cat person I hope you sill still be my friend.

now I am suppose to award this to others and I have decided what I am going to do is brag on some wonderful bloggers and if they should so choose to carry this on they may. In no way is this a full list of those who mean so much to me in this blogging community.
 This is a group of people that encourage me with their comments, their humor, their insight, and I appreciate hearing from them....always!!!
Laura- Cleaning House and Baking Cookies
Ann-Up North
Keetha- Eclectic Company
Karen- Quarry Garden Stained Glass

Ceekay- Thinkin of Home
Ava- Picket Fence Fancy
Sherry - Blessings from our Nest
Pat- Pats Posts
April- What ever is Lovely
Pat- Corn In My coffee Pot

Now I want you to know this is just a list of people I would like to thank for their comments and some even emails. Many of these lovely ladies have been big encouragers on Pig Tales and as facebook friends. Isn't that amazing since we have never met!  But thank you! 

so you can take the Versatile Blogger Award if you like but please take this
 as my thank you to you

blessings and thanks for visiting

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

 H my goodness, even Miss Mustard Seed was in the same place I am and she has thousands of followers!!!
 Why do you think we bloggers get so caught up in the numbers?

 I would also love to share this charming news story that ran on our local news last night

75 years of marriage and He still drives!!!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Self Seeking Party Fool

 Party fool?
Blogger envy?
Glory hog?
All of the above?
 I have consistently seen comments by those successful bloggers that say the number one rule of blogging is to be yourself. Blog about what you love.
I do. I love decorating, baking, junk finds etc. and I post about those things but...
I also love to write, to express, to ponder over deep things and lose myself in laughter through tears. I am political, a believer in Jesus Christ a new empty nester and opinionated.
However most of those things I do not write about here, if your newer to this blog you may not know I ever post anything but decorating photos.
So here is my dilemma,
 I get a bit tied up in the numbers, you know, followers. That is the glory hog in me, shameful as it is, somehow if you have lots of followers you are a successful blogger...right?
So in order to gain followers, I post what gets the most attention and then join the parties that bring the most visits.
It makes me a bit of a slave, and it somehow stifles creativity, it also enhances my creativity by keeping me on my toes to how my home looks and actually accomplishing things, doesn't allow me to sit here and to think.
I started a a blog way back write. In hopes of uplifting others, to inspire them, to make them laugh and to reflect together. I have no desire to stop posting great junk finds or home photos or even garden walks but I somehow feel out of balance. What is the objective of this blog? numbers?
So many of you are faithful followers, many of you comment or email often and that is so appreciated!! I feel as though I know many of you, especially those of you that have taken the Pig Tales journey with me.
I feel neglectful of you because I haven't been corresponding as I would like to. Why? I guess it is part of that out of balance....
so....... without parties, my blog would drop in visits by probably 75%.  Does that matter? I ask myself this only to try to reason with what it is I want from this blog, what I want from my time spent on it and to examine my selfishness, my glory seeking.  thanks for listening.  Happy Valentines Day!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Saturday, February 11, 2012

a little love for the armoire- would you paint these update #2

 The next update from the Would you paint these post is the armoire. I have to say I had only tinkered with the thought of painting this piece, y'all said paint it! so I did and I absolutely love it! 

 Before with the door and without.

I used a slightly off white called diamonds and pearls with a green that I found on the returns. It was cheap and the color dab on top looked it turns out I really like it but I can't tell you what it is called.  I then spray painted the hardware with an enamel paint for metals in an off white.
 Although I am keeping the door off for now I did paint it, white around the border with the green on the inner panels, it looks wonderful too, but I love the open look for now.

 It is resting well in the bedroom, it has a calming effect for me. Is that weird?

Show off your Cottage Monday

blessings and thanks for visiting

Friday, February 10, 2012

Pinterest Made Me Do It- Home made laundry soap and window cleaner

 After seeing the home made laundry soap circulating around and then hearing my step mom Rachel try it and love it.....I decided to go ahead and make it! Evidently so did everyone else because Walmart tends to be out of some of the ingredients pretty regularly.
Here is what you need.
1  4 lb box  baking soda
1 4 lb 12 oz box Borax
1 3 lb 7 oz box Arm & Hammer washing soda
3 bars Fels Naptha soap
1-2 jars (about 3lbs) of an oxy cleaner

 Grate Fels soap

 Mix in remaining ingredients. Store in airtight container. You only need a small amount in your wash, approx 1-2 heaping Tablespoons and if you have an HE washer, add it to the barrel not the dispenser. You can see more on this from this site, where my original pin on Pinterest was found.
Being Creative- Laundry soap

  Side note- I accidentally bought and extra bar of Fels soap....that or I cannot count to 3.
I have used it as a stain remover by wetting the bar and rubbing on stains. I am completely sold on it and love the results so go ahead and pick up an extra bar it is only about  a dollar.

 Now onto the window cleaner, this link is great in that she made and tested several options and liked this one best, I think it works very well myself

Crunchy Betty's Review of home made glass cleaners

 Mix (and I wrote it on the bottle for next time)
2 c warm water
1/4 c vinegar
1/4 c rubbing alcohol
1 Tbs cornstarch
Shake well each time you use.

 ok   so I also saw a great missing sock board and had to make one, I already had a frame in which I had painted the glass in chalk paint, so I just glued a couple clothes pins.

 Have a great day pinning!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

White Vignettes and a Pinterest Puff

 what is the problem with Pinterest?
waste of time or inspiration?
inspiration or jealous fits of I need that!
I need that or I simply must have it!

 One of the best pins I have seen is the one that says Pinterest is like getting a new magazine in the mail every day. That is what I would call it, new inspiration and recipes every day. I think it actually helps me get my rear in gear and get going. I also saw a comment where it was said Pinterest will be the end of blogging. NOT! I have to disagree with that. What I love most about Pinterest is how so many (most) link directly to a blog, with step by step instructions. Now..will that increase followers? Probably not but definitely blog traffic. It has consistently been in the top 5 referrals for me.

 I tend to forget most of the projects I hope to do, but once a week I actually go back to a board of my own and look at what I have pinned, then try to do one! I know.....never an end to motivation!  This is the best thing about pinning, at anytime you can go back and "remember" what it is you like and want to do, to bake, or your favorite decorating ideas. This is a flower ball, via Pinterest that I wanted to try as a possible wedding idea for my daughter.  I used a 5 inch ball, lots of hot glue and about 500 mini cupcake liners. I placed two liners together and twisted then glued around the ball, try to keep them straight up, I found I was beginning to angle mine to much which left an odd shape in places. If you find a spot that is a little light...just fill it in later.

 I think it is actually quite a fun little touch.

 I can go into any room with a vintage feel, and could be done in any color or color combo.

 Sometimes the simplest little touch adds so much, like the old spool with a tape measure wrapped around it. Saw it , pinned it, did it...done!

White Wednesday
Under the Table and Dreaming

blessings and thanks for visiting
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