Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Extra Large Coffee Filter Flowers

Trying out ideas for my daughter's upcoming wedding, I knew when I found ginormous commercial sized coffee filters at a garage sale, there would have to be a use! I think they will be a perfect accent for a vintage themed wedding.
 This simple design can be used on regular size standard coffee filters also.
I used tea to stain the darker versions.

Flower one-
loop a wire through a bead and insert into the center of 5-6 filters. This is 18 gauge.
 Scrunch the filters together and begin securing with floral tape.
 Add additional wire for strength and length..
Separate and fluff layers.

Flower 2
Fold filters into quarters, gather 5-6 together and twist wire around them.
Again secure together with floral tape, adding additional wire as needed.

   A couple of you have asked where to get these, since I got them at a sale I can't guarantee this but Bunn has some 6 gallon ones that may be close. My package says Bunn Commercial 6045, I didn't see that number but here is the ones that may be close.

Vintage Inspiration Friday
Funky Junk
Feathered Nest Friday
Home Sweet Home 
Potpourri Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Inspiration Friday
Cowgirl Up!
Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday 
Home and Garden Thursday
Share Your Cup
Tutorials Tips and Tidbits

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Let Us Create Our Own god.

The dissatisfied gathered to tell of their woes.
Our enemy worships a God we do not like.
Our enemy tries to convert us!
This God of the enemy is far too judgmental.
He is not fair, cried some.
He is not real, thought most.

Let us make a god of our own.
He will be powerful!

Shall we give him the answers?
NO- he will not tell us what to do.
He will stand for what is right.
NO- he will not tell us then what is wrong.
Shall he stand for justice?
NO- he will not judge us.
Will he crush our enemies?
NO- our god will only love.
Will he die for us?
They laughed, what kind of god would do that?

He will give us what we want,
He will accept us for who we are.

A time of great trouble came,
a time of great war.
 The dissatisfied called upon their god.
What shall we do?
But, their god had no answers.
Fight for us! Defend us
But, their god could not.
Why do you not destroy our enemies?
This is not fair!

They began to turn upon each other,
to war within themselves.
Blame and quarrel, then fists and weapons,
they tore each other apart.
Their god stood by and gave them what they wanted.

Much time had passed.
The end of the war came,
most did not survive.

They stood before the God of the others, the God they had mocked.
A God who stood for justice, a God who judged.
A God with the answers,  a God they could trust.
He is real they thought.

Your sin stands between you and I, said this God.
You must pay the penalty, you must set things right.
We cannot they cried, it is not fair!
Is it fair that your enemy should pay for his sins?
Oh Yes! that is fair.
Your enemy has a God that died for them,
My son, their God has paid for their sin.

Why did they not tell us?
They did. You would not hear.
Why did we not listen?
You created a god that gave you what you wanted,
a god that would not tell you what was right and wrong.
You created a god that was powerless.

Abandoned they stood....

Where is your god?
They looked around....
their god was not there.

              Shannon I Olson

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Somewhere in Wisconsin- Barn Charm

 As we traveled the main highways and back roads of Wisconsin......

beautiful barns continued to pop up.
This lovely green was only seen on the farms, At the time these were taken, late June early July 2012, Southern WI was already in a drought.
Most of the roadways looked more like this.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Slam of a Screen Door

Nothing beats the sound of a slamming screen door.
  Whether it makes you shudder or smile, it reminds you of a simple house,
            full of simple things and simple ways.
Folks sitting on the porch with youngens running in and out. Someone fussing saying, "Settle down now!"

I can close my eyes and hear it...... I can smell coffee and hear the clanking of dishes.
In a time of no dish washers, no fancy gadgets, just a morning peculator and frying pan.

I can close my eyes and hear it.....along with the crickets. With windows wide open and breezes flowing, stars are gathering and quiet setting in.

Simpler times,
 in a house that was a home,
in a time not so long ago.

Family was close and
neighbors were known,
when you worked hard and rested well. 

When a deep sleep of contentment and fresh air enveloped you

                    the sun rose, the birds sang,
                             and a screen door would slam.


everything you see in that photo came courtesy of garage sales
the newest addition-screen door was 5.00
total corner less than $20.00! that is why I am joining Nifty Thrifty Tuesday!
  Joining Be Inspired #29

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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Junk Light

 Finding a vintage light for $2 was my first thrill, knowing we have no electricity above our dining table was no problem since I wanted to modify the light for a junk style look.

  Collecting random vintage items usually keeps me in a supply of misc parts I can pick from when doing a project. Insulators of various colors seemed to be the right touch for holding candles that will create a soft glow in our room.

 Glass to metal doesn't adhere so easily, at least for me, I am pretty poor with mixing epoxy so I tried out JB Weld. It created a solid bond but needed much more set time than the package said. I let it sit for a good 12 hours before I felt at all confident in the bond.

 Next up some seriously tacky or unique, however you look at it, light fixtures. Rescued curbside I really had no idea what I would do with them but a few strands of the "crystals" added a small touch of whimsy.

Junk lighting!

Vintage Inspiration Friday
Funky Junk
Feathered Nest Friday
Home Sweet Home 
Potpourri Friday
Shabbilicious Friday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Inspiration Friday
Cowgirl Up!
Open House Party
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday

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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hidden Treasures In The Garden

The dragonflies have arrived! This little gem was caught desperately trying to hold on to a stick in 30 mph winds!

                                             Cherry tomatoes all in a row....

                                        Pat a pan squash

                                   broccoli, cucumbers, and peppers

                                   And busy little bees!

All photos unedited, taken by Blackberry Torch.

Outdoor Wednesday
Bloomin Tuesday

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Wisconsin Barn Love

  My husband and I just took our first empty nest road trip. We drove from North Dakota into Wisconsin, I snapped as many barns as I could so I could once again participate in Barn Charm at Bluff Area Daily.

 This was the first stop into WI.
Full of life and full of cows.

 A beautiful place nestled in the hills.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

When You Find the One, You Will Know It

   Sales have slowed down, it has been hot, hot everywhere! No one really wants to sit out having a sale in 95 degree heat, I think they are all at the lake, since we don't have a lake home...or boat...or even a pool noodle, we were out at the handful of sales in the area this weekend.
 But sometimes you come up on the one, that sale that has the right stuff, at the right prices! And a junker at heart is running it!
 I went on Friday and got the first stash.
Rusty love, dirty corners, complete with cobwebs......sigh.

I have a great truck I keep in the house, since this one is pretty close to toast, it will live the rest of it's days out in the yard.

 I am loving the little people Old Mother Hubbard!

When I went to sleep what should I think of??? Why did I leave that yellow pot there?
   Next morning I had to go back to see if it was still there, you know I could think of 100 things I could do with it, now had I gotten it I would have thought......"now what will I do with this?"
I was pleased to see it was still there! The gentleman running the sale has also added a few more treasures and even gave me a junk tour of his own back yard! He plucked this oil can from his own flower bed and sold it to me.

As he and I talked about an old rusty bike, American Pickers, milk cans and neighbors, my husband loaded up my stash and waited in the heat for me to get done chatting with a fellow junker. I thought about it and I realized I have never asked my hubby if he likes my junk.  I wasn't sure if I should.
At lunch I decided to fire it off..."Do you even like the stuff I collect?"
"yeah, it's ok for now"
"Yeah I don't want it to turn into hoarders."
"Do you think it's hoarders?"
"No, not yet."

It's not...I promise, but ...really, maybe I shouldn't go to any sales for a while I can't seen to bear to leave a good bargain behind!  Kinda like the man at the sale, who was selling the last 6 of his 10 milk cans. You see someone was selling them to him for $6.00 each, and he couldn't just leave them there.

My birthday present from my step mom Rachel, someone grab my tiara.
Sale totals
bed frame 5.00
metal tractor wheel 10.00
rake 1.00
enamelware 3 pieces 5.50
gas can 5.00
toy 1.00
truck 1.00
crate 2.00
scissors .50
drill 1.00
 total 32.00

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday

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