I have to say this year I started decorating and 10 minutes into it.....every ounce of inspiration left me.
Perhaps it is the early Thanksgiving, or too many cloudy days,
maybe the dread of hauling everything out and putting it back.
I still managed to get things up but this year I feel I will be tweaking a lot.
For now....small touches in the china hutch are just enough to spark my satisfaction, I love leaving most of my regular items out , I used to pack so much away and redo entire areas. That has proven to be too much work, I have chosen to opt for simpler decor and things that store easily.
Tucking in bulbs, greenery, and beads gives the sparkle without needing to "redo".
The more vintage items I collect the less I want to store them away for the season, gone are all the stuffed Santas, most of the nick knacks, and the kid type decor, which now allows me to incorporate those small touches in more areas with less items.
I still see so many great ideas around the web I would like to do sometime, each year I wean out a few more things.
With both our kids out of the house for the first Christmas I have pawned off many decorations to them, I can now simplify decorating.....until grandbabies come along and I once again house a giant dancing reindeer or entertain an elf on the shelf.
Open House Party
Feathered Nest Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
What's It Wednesday
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Creative Things Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday
Home Sweet Home
Funky Junk
Home and Garden Thursday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Potpourri Friday
Tweak it Tuesday
Be Inspired
Cowgirl Up
blessings and thanks for visiting