On our recent trip back where we grew up my aunt gave me some of my grandmothers things.
She has been gone 4 years now, we drove by her house. I hate that it isn't her house anymore.
I wish she were out in her yard tending to flowers, wearing long sleeves so her arms wouldn't burn. Grandpa has been gone longer, I wish he were firing up the grill for some hot dogs and keeping an eye on the weather.
Still a part of them will always be with me and small treasures give it a tangible meaning.
Some of these I remember, some I do not.
I honestly don't recall the red cake plate but it is so lovely! She had much more crystal than I would have thought but only a couple small pieces came home, along with a couple afghans and her potato ricer.
Old and so suited to my style, but more so because it was hers and every year she made her lefse with it. I remember potatoes cooling in the back room, the next day her rolling them wafer thin and grandpa in charge of flipping them on the griddle. How she would say, "Leo, they are getting too brown!"
And he would turn them over and smile.
Everything in her kitchen had it's place. She would take every dish out once a year and clean them, no matter if they had been used at all. Things were tucked neatly away, I vaguely remember these on the top shelf, at least the brown one.
She would scrub her concrete basement floor, laundry was always done, rolls freshly made, house spotless, no wonder she would fall asleep doing crosswords during the evening news.
I have no idea where the mini cello came from, my aunts think it was from one of her sisters.
I also had no idea she owned any milk glass, I took the piece, seen under the word possible, to add to my collection.
She had an antique dresser, she hung a straw flower on it and her hand mirror was often there, I don't know about you but I can't own a mirror without dropping and breaking it more than a year or two, she obviously had this one much longer.
A few other plates etc were brought home and tucked into the cabinets. Their wedding photo is hanging on the wall here now.
It makes me smile, it makes me cry.
Today is a cry day.
I am not close to my mother, if you would like to know more about that you can swing by Pig Tales, link on upper right.
I was close to my grandma, I grew up with a family that always got together. We now live where that is not an option.
I have two children, I homeschooled them, spent every day with them.
They are so precious to me.
My daughter comes around all the time and we are very close.
My son is in that place where he resents me, doesn't want to spend much time with me. He is making mistakes, as we all do, and he has chosen to forgo the Christian values he was brought up with.
I know rebellion is common at this age, and I know God is in control.
But as a mom to other moms out there, if you have made it this far reading, I would appreciate your prayers.
My heart breaks, for I long for my children to be close to me always.
blessings and thanks for visiting