I was at a funeral a few months ago, I sat in a room of the closest relative and from the surface it probably all looked "normal"
Yet, knowing these people so many years, I knew differently.
What is left behind when we die is often called our legacy. We all want good things remembered and spoken of us, fondness and tears of both sadness and celebration in our memory.
No one wants the bad discussed, our negatives, even though we all have them.
Yet,sometimes, if we are not careful, the kind words spoken can be but lies that fill a void, that cover a sin, or disguise a hurt.
When we do something FOR someone, it is usually accepted and appreciated, yet time goes on and it is often forgotten.
When we do something TO someone, it can be an offense, a deep hurt, or cause anger. Most people heal from these or come to an understanding of them, yet sometimes the offense is so great or so hurtful it turns to bitterness and unforgiveness that festers and spreads.
I sat in a room of people
and sad.
I saw sadness and hurt deeply implanted, rejection to the core.
I saw hardness, impenetrable, cold and angry.
I saw indifference and self centerdness.
Deep wounds, deeply planted.
As Spring sets in I can see a field of dandelions quickly approaching my lawn. Today I tried to remove some, no matter how deep I go, there is still part of it left.
A deep tap root with delicate fingers reaching wide in search of survival.
I can't get it all, not without poison.
Mighty Trees
When I was a child I remember some awful storms that blew through town, uprooting age old trees. Seemingly strong, tall and immovable.
These trees had shallow roots, only a few feet deep and no matter how majestic they looked, they toppled over.
Trees with deep taproots, however, often withstood the storm. They may lose a limb or a few branches and leaves but tattered as they are, they pull through.
That root reached down deep and secured them.
Tap Roots
A tap root can be both a good and a bad thing. Sometimes it gives us strength and courage to face storms. It is anchored in faith, family, and friends.
It draws upon those powerful resources to keep us nourished and growing.
When we let a tap root of bitterness, anger, or resentment grow, it too goes deeper and becomes harder to remove. Like the dandelion it sprouts seed that spreads and begins to take over.
Our legacy is both who we are now, how we treat people, effect them and the world around us. We can leave behind a big beautiful shade tree full of fruit that provides security, comfort, and rest.
Or, we can leave a deep rooted, viral plague that can only be treated with poison.
Leave this earth with no weeds in your garden.
If someone has left weeds behind for you....
you must be diligent and everyday remove all that grows from negative roots.
You must also feed lushly and water all that grows from good roots.
Remove your weeds with prayer, forgiveness, mercy and grace.
And feed your life with love, praise, and hope.
Ezekiel 47:12
Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing.”
John 4:14
but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”
blessings and thanks for visiting