Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Painting Furniture/ Annie Sloan Paint or Latex

I am sure you have all read reviews and opinions on which paint to use by now. One more isn't going to change your mind, but I might as well add mine to the pile. Last year I started painting furniture for booth sales. Mostly I use oops paint...returns and remixes from local hardware stores- usually that ends up being latex, eggshell or satin. Once in a while you get a flat paint- perfect for making your own "chalk paint".
   I had on occasion even mixed in some plaster of Paris with satin, semi gloss or eggshell, seeing if it would give a better adherence. Mixing your own chalk paint is perfectly fine- with the flat, here is some of what I learned along the way.
  you have probably heard to strain your paint, I have done this.....and been to lazy to do it- official opinion- strain it!! oh my  for junk and clumps that are already in paint!
Next use only flat paint to make your own- really anything else will result in wasting left over paint, it chunks, clumps, and deteriorates.
  Mix your plaster of Paris in warm water and then add it to the paint. I used the the recipe of 3 Tbs plaster powder to 2 Tbs (maybe 3) of warm water mixed into 1 c paint.

Dear Annie,
For a long time....mostly because of budget...or lack of, I stayed away from fancy paint. Locally only Annie Sloan chalk paint is sold. After a couple successful booths, I broke down and treated myself to Annie- first I just tried a little pod
   next a quart
then the wax
then a brush
Official opinion......it is like butter baby! There is a reason that stuff is so expensive, it works! It works well, it covers well, and the colors are rich and amazing.


This table is done in Emperor's Silk and Graphite.
If you have ever painted with red before you know......there is a reason red is a head ache to work with, often it requires 5 or even more coats to get a rich consistent color. Sometimes requiring a base coat- and if you're me, always making a mess and regretting I went for red. (unless it comes from a spray can).

Annie's red- yep 2 coats and perfect coverage. Most of time it is said you can get her paint to work in one coat, I do find 2 is just better for me. Annie calls it one and a half, once over and then get where you missed or paint is thin, I think if you're a good painter that would apply. The paint is relatively easy to sand and distress.
As for her wax- I have used a few waxes, mixed my own too and all I can say is, budget willing I will never use anything but Annie Sloan wax again!!!  Wax hardens in about a day and completely cures in a week or so and it pretty tough.
Keep in mind, her dark wax is powerful and a little has a big bang!

stencils from Artistic Stencil Designs

For most pieces I still end up going with the oops paint, at 50 cents to a couple bucks you can't go wrong. Often you are limited in choice, but once in a while you strike it rich with a beautiful color.
Whites are still, and always will be a favorite. The thing with latex is, it distresses very easily- sometimes too easily and you may chip or sand off more than you want, but if you really want a rustic worn look this is a good paint to use, especially since you will be removing much of it with sand paper. The paint does not adhere as well as chalk paint and takes a while longer to dry, usually it doesn't need sealing....but it never hurts, especially if you want to be sure every bump won't remove more paint.
stencils bought at Hobby Lobby

These pieces are satin latex white and home made brown chalk paint on the details. A light coat of wax was applied after distressing.
  You can see latex distresses easily and larger chunks pull off.  This is more of a time worn look in my opinion.

The yellow is another latex with hand painted craft acrylic details, waxed on top to prevent them from wearing off.

Back to Annie, below is an example of rough wood, using Provence and dark wax. If you want a softer dark look you will need to mix your wax with clear or place a coat of clear first and then a second coat of the dark to keep it from such a deep color. I tend to like the real dark stuff on some pieces, but you can see how much it changes the look, see the box below? Same color but with clear wax only.

 Provence, same color as above but with clear wax only.  Note- the inside is a regular latex paint. This piece is a great example of how helpful Annie's brushes are; because they are so thick and concentrated in that lovely round form, they really hold the paint which is helpful in crevices. Although they were created to get large flat area coverage with minimal brush lines they are also the bomb for things like this.



When all is said and done, don't let paint or lack of paint stop you from creating, use what ya got and have fun, everything can be painted over if you don't like it. But yes, ASCP is a great product and worth the extra money.

True advantages of  Annie Sloan chalk paint (ASCP)- no primer needed
                                                 very low odor
                                                  good coverage with less paint
                                                  rich beautiful colors, and consistent - no need to wait for mixing at the store
Advantages of ASCP wax- low odor!
                                          soft and easy to use
                                           tough surface after drying
Advantages of brush-   excellent coverage, holds a lot of paint

I was not contacted or paid to do this review.
I have not tried other name brand paints such as CeCe Caldwell or Miss Mustard Seed Milk Paint

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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Deer Antler Mantle

Is it cool to beg for antlers? Is it cooler that a friend will give you some, along with other dead things?

I wish the snow would melt and the temps would get and stay above the negative,
             above freezing in February in ND, is a long shot.
 I would love to go looking in tree lines for some more antlers and who knows what else! I know people who live on farmland and the things they find in those trees are amazing!

Not just antlers, but this friend has also found enamel ware, bottles and old tins.  What a treasure hunt!

I have always...always fought with my mantle, only satisfied with it for a short time, it never comes together like those beautiful magazine and blog spreads of others. Usually I just give up and what ever is there....stays until I can't stand it any longer, or the season changes.
  Looking for a simpler, and less cluttered style, I wanted to jump on board with the white deer head look, sorry to say- we couldn't come up with a deer skull, yet, but hey, a beaver skull will do for now.

Mounting a set of fallen antlers to an old cupboard door still gave me a rustic yet clean uncluttered look. The antlers were white washed with flat paint, (white and a touch of tan), screwed into the door and the whole piece was then affixed to a large frame.

For now, it is working for me!
Do you have mantle issues or are you a natural at putting one together?

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