That time we went curb shopping.....all week long! Every year our town has clean up week. Here is a glance at this year's scores! Like that amazing Victorian attic door above, she sold right away and I may for the rest of my life pine for her.
After setting out we would come home to unload piles like this, sort, clean and .....yes we are in hoarder phase.
But who could leave an old Buick oil can in such a lovely rust patina behind?
Because we are down to one working car, I had to be up early to take my husband to work so I could scrounge, picture this...5:50 am, sun just starting to rise and a mad woman wresting an amazing old phonograph and a kitchen/bath cabinet into her Durrango, uncombed hair and no morning coffee.
But wouldn't you for these two!!! yes parts are missing on the phonograph but what is there is pristine.
Of course that was not the only vintage record player. This one is in tough shape but who could pass on an old tube radio.
There were vintage Christmas items still in the box, lots of small treasures to be found, if you had a good eye, or didn't mind a mini dig.
My daughter and I, and the lady throwing it out, all loaded this HEAVY 1930's table, with all 4 leaves. I was going to keep it for myself but it needed some work and it was a monster....I mean monster.
After much protest from my husband, we set it up and evaluated......We then decided to put it on our curb and advertise it as a freebie curbside find on facebook. We lugged the beast to the curb, went in the house to get the leaves and in that minute of time a lady stopped and was already struggling with loading it into her car! LOL, I told her she would definitely need some help! It was off on it's way to her sons.
This charming little piece so intrigued me, even with a missing leg and door, the style, chippy paint and copper liner just screamed, "take me". So I did. After some research I realized we had found an vintage humidor. Score! Now for some restoration.
You should have heard the glee from both my husband and I as we came around a corner and both hollered, "Tonka"! wasn't a Tonka but a pile of them!
Now I ask you, who would throw away a hair dryer? a vintage pink, flawless condition, and working perfectly?
or a new, in the box , never used triple crock pot set?
One night we took the dog out for a walk, the garbage had yet to be picked up in our neighborhood, a small box that I would have overlooked in a car, sat by the curb, a quick peek inside yielded a vintage 60's Polaroid.
Just when clean up week was over and emotions ran between - where are we going to put all this junk- to- awe, clean up week is over-
we got a call from a friend in a very small town a few miles away. It was their clean up week! OH JOY!!
she had a cabinet on its way to the curb and she wanted to know if we wanted it.....
we picked it up, did a circle around two small towns in very chilly 30 degree temps and came home with our last load of the year.
old phones, shown here after cleaning really gross dirt off of them, wooden iron boards, misc pieces and.....
The cabinet.
Happy Curbside!!
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