And now for the talent portion of this blog;
I have many talents....should there ever be a Mrs. America pageant in my future, hold the swimsuit competition!, this is my platform on which I shall compete.
I know these are valid talents, because I am the only person in my house that can do them.
One- I am able to change the toilet paper roll in one and only one trip to the bathroom.
I can remove the old empty, replace with a new (over in case your wondering) and make a mental note of when to buy more.
Also- I can load the dishwasher. Some of my family can bring a dish to the vicinity of the kitchen, I, however, am the only one that can rinse and load.
Laundry??? my specialty.
Sort, wash, dry, fold, put away, repeat.
but........what is truly unique is my ability to place dirty clothes in the hamper.
I have come to understand that chairs, sofas, counters and the floor near the bed count as hampers for my son and husband.
Technically, to a man......2 feet from the hamper is actually in the hamper.
Doesn't count in basketball but it does in laundry.
Good hearing???? Yes I, and only I, can hear the dog bark when she wants to come in from outside, drop what I am doing, rescue her, notice her water dish is empty- fill it and return to my former task.
Well, after being sidetracked by laundry.
I will share just one more of my abilities with you,
I can realize when the garbage is overflowing...
take it out, and.....
replace the bag!
I know , I know... thanks...... no applause necessary.
Now if you will excuse me, I must clean the bathroom and my tiara needs adjusting.