Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mrs. America- no swimsuit please

And now for the talent portion of this blog;
    I have many talents....should there ever be a Mrs. America pageant in my future, hold the swimsuit competition!, this is my platform on which I shall compete.

  I know these are valid talents, because I am the only person in my house that can do them. 

  One- I am able to change the toilet paper roll in one and only one trip to the bathroom.
I can remove the old empty, replace with a new (over in case your wondering) and make a mental note of when to buy more.

 Also- I can load the dishwasher. Some of my family can bring a dish to the vicinity of the kitchen, I, however, am the only one that can rinse and load.
 Laundry??? my specialty. 
Sort, wash, dry, fold, put away, repeat.
but........what is truly unique is my ability to place dirty clothes in the hamper.

      I have come to understand that chairs, sofas, counters and the floor near the bed count as hampers for my son and husband. 
Technically, to a man......2 feet from the hamper is actually in the hamper.
                         Doesn't count in basketball but it does in laundry. 

Good hearing???? Yes I, and only I, can hear the dog bark when she wants to come in from outside, drop what I am doing, rescue her, notice her water dish is empty- fill it and return to my former task.

    Well, after being sidetracked by laundry.

I will share just one more of my abilities with you,

 I can realize when the garbage is overflowing...
           take it out, and.....
                    replace the bag!
I know , I know... thanks...... no applause necessary.
Now if you will excuse me, I must clean the bathroom and my tiara needs adjusting.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Casserol Carrier

I got this great basket with cover at Michaels last fall, I really like it but decided to take the ole chalkboard paint to the cover.
This way I can label what is inside when I bring it to a potluck.
And when I am not toting a dish, it sits on top of my microwave for storage.
Party Links

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Broken tea cup

Oh No! One of my tea cups fell onto the ....yes, carpet?? and broke
 Can you believe it broke, exactly in half?
What to do??
Paint a frame~ paint the glass with 5 or 6 coats of chalkboard paint.
Glue on the tea cup.
Serve a little tea.... what fun to write the "tea" being served on this little board so everyone will know!
Now. what if your tea cup doesn't break in half?? Do you think you could score it with a glass cutter and break it ? Let me know if you try it.

Check out Prior's party or BNOTP.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Garage Sale!

Well it is here, the garage sale season. Woohooo! After 6 months of winter, the bargain hunts begin. One of my favorite things to do it look at other people's junk. What can I say. Instead of posting every find, every week, after this one I may start a garage sale page, just to post fun finds and what I do with them. Some may make their own post if they are special. If you haven't checked out the Southern Belle pages yet...please do, you will see the tabs at the top of the page just above the flower slide show.
Standing in line, in a comfortable 30 degrees, for the gymnasium to open for the "big" Sale. When I took out the camera you would have thought I was Moses, because everyone began to part to get out of the way. I guess they thought I wanted a picture of the sign??
The inside, $1.00 admission, worth every penny. First the fast sweep, a quick walk in case any magical thing catches your eye, but moving stealthily, driven by fear that someone may.....get your favorite thing first! Awe! the pressure.
oooh. (squeal) Mary Kaye. Online Value.....$202.00   My price...$13.00
How? you say, glad you asked, $1.00 an item sold by a man.
Why? Because he got it in the divorce settlement.
Dishes, cheap, springy, love them, saw some China, whole box $10.00, didn't have the space for them, didn't get them........STILL kicking myself. grrrr
Great candles......50 cents each, never burned. A little aroma therapy to deal with not getting the china.
more dishes.....not china. 25 cents each
cute wallet. $2

          My market bag runneth over!
Now onto a couple church sales.........
Big pots and stands....all for $3.
A set of 3 of these great yard lights, they are heavy glass and well made. We are trying to get them working.... even if they never do I love them! total for all 3. $2.00
cute frame 50 cents
 Many other great finds..... but then I felt guilty because my husband was working and he didn't get in on any good finds. so.... I said a little prayer and asked God if he would help me find something for my man.
Next sale, really the next sale..
Boy Junk! My  husband loves nuts, bolts, plumbing things, tools etc. so for $3.50  I got him this prize package to deal with....
Yes       50 cents for that whole box!!!!
Well he was soooo excited  it landed him in the emergency room!
Well, ok, he actually had a kidney stone attack and I had to go pick him up at work, so he didn't even get to look at his stuff until the next morning.
Have you seen these? You punch in the code the DR. gives you and it packages, seals and labels your meds, no people necessary. Weird! A little ATM for narcotics, nice.

Well hope you enjoyed garage saleing  with me, Let's do it again! Thanks for stopping by.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Take a note

I am a note taker.  Always have been- if I don't write it down, I will never remember where  or what it is.

                   I have, however turned more into a "I thought I wrote that somewhere,"
 ( now I write things on 3 different calendars), and a
                                " where was that?" and "what is this?"
(that comes from my always jotting down key words and phrases making the naive assumption I will remember what I am referring to at a later time.)

                                                Do you ever do that?
                        Ever come across one of those notes at a later time and wonder?
My jacket pockets are filled with old grocery lists, there is a to do list in my pants pocket, a notebook of blog ideas. My church sermon notes of which I was going to fill in the details later.......ummm that never happened. I have lists of words I come across when reading and I need to look up. Soon I will need a list for my lists.

I came across a list this morning, in a notebook,
it says;
   Radio flyer
I guess it is code for "What on earth was I thinking that day?"

Thursday, April 1, 2010


  Often I am described as opinionated. Maybe not even often, more like always.

  Opinion-1. belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty
                2. a personal view, attitude or appraisal
  Opinionated- obstinate or conceited with regard to the merit of one's own opinions, conceitedly dogmatic.

   I guess it doesn't take long before people know this about me. In fact, there is a game called Imagine If. A board game in which you all describe a person by picking an option form a card.
    Example: If "so and so" were a shoe..... what would they be?
      a) a work boot
      b) a tennis shoe
      c) a high heel
       and so on.
  Everyone picks the option they believe about that person and majority wins, regardless of said person's opinion.
You learn a lot about yourself, when playing this game.
  Once with mix of friends, some that knew me well, some that did not, and one that JUST met me, we played the game.   My question came.......Imagine if Shannon were a Peanuts character, who would she be?
         Never mind the choices because it took .2 seconds for everyone to lay down their cards.
In unison they overturned the cards to unanimously reveal.........
Oh the laughter! (glee)
I must say I was not surprised-
but the one that just met me- laid down his card without any hesitation, without any internal debate.

         The thesaurus adds to opinionated these .......
                   self assertive
                        pig headed
I am not sure I have associated opinion with so much negativity.
Delivery must be the key.
What makes someone...well thought out?  
  intelligent?      encouraging?    
    worthy of asking for advice?
And.. if you sought them out would you say they had an opinion? one you wanted to hear?
  Maybe that is it, one should always be asked for their opinion and never offer it unprompted.
Would that keep them from being opinionated?

                                              Lucy Van Pelt's 5 cent Psychiatry Booth
Lucy tries to "help" Charlie Brown, once she lists for him some phobias, to which they discover Charles suffers from fear of everything. One of those phobias is
 Alladoxophobia- the fear of opinions, confrontation, arguments.

Charlie Brown, known for his wishy washy, bashful ways, never argues, never asserts, always has the football yanked from him. He never gets the little red head girl and his kite never flies. Would it have been worse if they had picked him as my description?

  I guess I am opinionated. I really don't think I am pig headed.
  Opinions are good, challenging, they say a lot about a person.

           I like opinionated people- as long as they agree with me,
                           and don't suffer from allodoxophobia.
             That will be 5 cents please.
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