Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Blooms

 Winter may be firmly entrenched here, with several feet of snow and more on the way, gloomy -25 dangling out in the forecast, but inside there are a few rays of light.
 The orchid is showing off!

 The Amaryllis is standing tall.

 And the African violets are peeking around.
 I am amazed, these are the first violets I have ever grown, I got them this summer, they were very over watered when I was in the hospital and they are in the bedroom which is cold.....at least 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. Light is indirect and not a lot of it this time of year. Yet...here they are in full bloom!

 My view is much better inside than out....


 Walmart shopping carts.

This however is rather pretty.


 I am linking with White Wednesday @ Faded Charm

blessings and thanks for visiting



Hi Shannon, I love your indoor blooming plants. Those violets are gorgeous! I am amazed at your temp and the depth of your snow. We had around 8" of snow and our world came to a grinding halt here in the south!!!
Hope you are doing well and that you'll enjoy the afternoon.


When I see these pictures, I feel guilty for whining about our winter weather.

I hope you are feeling better. La


so nice to have the blooms inside...I am white outside and inside my repotted amaryllis have let me down; lots of green blades and not a single bloom....this is a tough time of the year. I am not one for indoor plants anyway, but miss the blooms. Will pick up a boquet at the store!


Your outside pictures look very similar to ours!
It's suppose to get colder, hang in there!


You should enter the shopping cart photo in a photo contest - very good and unique.


Your blooms are gorgeous! It looks SOOOOOO cold there! brrrrrr



It's pretty until you have to go outside in it! I much prefer the beautiful flowers inside...stay safe and warm in the snow. Happy White Wednesday - Tanya


Your indoor plants look great. Very cheery compared with the cold outside.

ann in the UP said...

Shannon, in addition to your other indoor color your thumb must be must be green. I have an unwatered amaryllis bulb that I'll water soon, but my Christmas cactus is done blooming, and my African violets are dormant. It's good to see some color in such a bleak landscape.
Hope you're doing well.

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