Mmmmm coffee. How do you like your coffee? Dark French roast? Lots of cream and sugar? Flavored or regular only?
I was talking with a man in a waiting room. He asked me if I noticed how coffee had changed lately. I said thinking was that in general coffee has gotten better. Even McDonalds has jazzed up java.
His point of had gotten terrible because it was all so dark now. I laughed and told him that was the good stuff. He disagreed stating he liked coffee you can see through.
Um...that is tea I said.
We laughed. I asked if he liked dark chocolate? Sure!
I told him it was better for you so dark coffee must be too, especially if you add a little cream.
He got up and kicked me.....and said, "I don't want to talk to you anymore."
Yep he really did.
It was all in humor and the kick was actually more like a foot to foot nudge. You gotta have humor when your sitting in the cancer treatment center.
I was just there for a B12 shot.
So he drank his "tea" and I ......went to the store and bought this!
Just like the little creamers, you can now add a dose of serious caffeine! even comes with a warning. LOL limit 2 a day. Yeah one trip to your favorite coffee shop for a venti Americano outdoes that for sure.
So, my favorite at home coffee is the dark French roast with sugar free caramel syrup, a dash of real cream and maybe a tub of Stok now.
How do you take your coffee?
blessings and thanks for visiting
I love dark coffee, too, but the label makes me nervous just looking at it! I love vaniila cream, but recently gave it up when I saw all the sugar and fat grams. Coffee will never be the same without it!
I think we can thank Starbucks for changing American coffee habits an awful lot. I, too, like coffee strong (and black). I'm not a purist who grinds her own beans, but I do have beans and a coffee grinder, which I use occasionally. For morning brew it's dark roast Folgers and no additives. I do NOT want to be able to see through my coffee, thanks anyway....
I love coffee. My daughter bought my husband and I a Keurig for Christmas! I love it because you do not have to make a full pot of coffee when you only want a cup. Also I can change flavors if I want a second cup!
Oh, I thought you were going to tell us you socked in the kisser! :) Well, I'm not a coffee drinker, just give me my diet Cherry Dr. Pepper! :) But most folks I know who drink coffee like the strong stuff!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)
wow-very funny-just read a book that talks about dark roasts are really not as strong as medium roast-a misconception to most Americans! What I always thought to! So am starting to lean toward darker roast-had thought they weren't as good for you-heart and Blood pressure wise-getting to that age!!
OMGoodness...I do LOVE this post. I am such a coffee lover. HOWEVER...I like the medium roast..too dark is too strong for my sissy mouth.
I love and want to marry DUNKIN DONUTS coffee, with a little spoonful of sugar. I also love the flavored creamers in it sometimes.
Thanks for your vote of confidence on my Funky Junk mantel. I didn't make it to the TOP 3 but, oh, I had such fun, and never in a million years expected to be in her Top 5. It was just such a fun thing. I LOVE BLOGGING !!!
Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. thank u
Coffee Grinders