Friday, February 25, 2011

It is not Spring here.

Nope, not yet.....we still have lots of snow and it was -11 this morning. If you live in North Dakota it is a bad idea to get Spring fever until at least half of March is over!!
But I have these lovely photos from my step mom and dad's yard .......they live in Mississippi. These are from last year but I bet it is just as nice this year. *sigh*


 I love will not grow here in this climate. too bad, it is so beautiful!

 here in ND........I am waiting for the is the first to make an appearance, maybe in 6 weeks???

blessings and thanks for visiting



Oh Shannon!!! I wish it was almost Spring there for you as well!!! I saw my rose topiary bush which I fight all year and it was full of new stems, leaves, and even thorns!!! My Giant Camelia bush....and I DO mean GIANT is about to bloom! Its very late this's usually over with by Valentine's Day and I'm trying to savor every last bloom for the table decorations! When it's in full bloom I will send you a picture!! Its' glorious and I still can't believe it withstood our whole house makeover 12 years ago~~
As for the Rhubarb....I've never had a Southern friend even mention it!! I grew up with it in Colorado and used to live for Rhubarb pie!!! enjoy it for me!!!
loved your beautiful Spring post.....

said... creative and clever!! I am so wishing it were close to spring but it doesn't come until April here in the Midwest. I have a lot of patience and I get to see beautiful blog gardens!!



Ya, so tired of winter. Bring on Spring. Thanks for the wisteria picture. Always wondered what it looked like. Spose our lilacs would be the fragrant bush for us "northerners"!
I too have lots of rhubarb, and it is now still covered with so o o o much snow!
Have a great weekend. jo


No wisteria??? How sad. It's one of my favorite bushes and it's so darned aggressive that I'm amazed there's a place it won't grow. I planted a small piece in front of a trellis several years ago and not only did it cover the trellis, it bent it almost in half and started growing up the side of the shed next to it. We chopped it down and dug up the roots, only to have it return. So now I try to keep it cut back so it doesn't become a monster once again. :)


Thanks for the little peek of spring---even if it isn't this spring----or where you are. I'm enjoying New Orleans' pansies. No new vegetation blooming here either.


Oh Shannon - you are SO RIGHT! It isn't spring yet - - - not ANYWHERE. In OUR hemisphere it is still winter and will be until March 21 when spring just barely begins! In the OTHER hemisphere it is Summer and fall will begin on March 21.

I've had my FILL of bloggers COMPLAINING about winter and LONGING for spring.

Spring will get here when it does - - - in the mean time, I'm LOVING my snow.



oh! i wonder if the wisteria is blooming at my parents' in Mississippi--i need to call and ask my mom. so weird that even though we are further south HERE than they are, mom and dad get SPRING earlier--
but we are enjoying it already too.
sorry you're still so cold! sending warm weather wishes your way!


Those are some pretty gardens and I love the garden art. The trike, the boots all of it is pretty. I love wisteria too and is gorgeous. Hoping it warms up soon. I bet when it does warm up that spring will be short and summer long.


What great ideas for a garden! The boots, the wagon, the trike - all such fun ideas. Love the wisteria. What a vibrant color it is! Shannon, I'm so with you - I'm ready for Spring! laurie


oh my, we live in MS too! Small world. It's definitely spring here. It was 80 degrees today! Well, that might actually mean we skipped spring and went straight into summer!



I enjoyed your spring pictures. As a northern born girl (born in Canada) but transplanted Southerner, I love our early spring seasons. This year has been a little behind, but a few jonquils and forsythia are starting to bloom - Yay! Thanks for sharing!


Spring is coming to the prairie -- it will head your way soon.

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