Sunday, September 30, 2012

Giveaway ends tomorrow! and cake ;)

Last Day to enter the giveaway, Enter HERE and see what is up for grabs!
and here is a sneak peak at the birthday cake I will be showing soon over on North Dakota Kitchen!!
(Future link Post to come)

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Fall Vignettes

I have been seeing all the great fall decor on the blogs and I have noticed a bit of a neutral trend. NOT HERE.....I love the other blogs and I I overboard?
I have splashes of brilliant orange, yellow, and red everywhere you look at my place.

There are no subtle color schemes here at this time of year.
I just think the bright color is needed before the blanket of white usurps the canvas.
Fall is short here and winter is long! really long.
So as much as I love the neutral palates, I am sticking with overkill for now.

Do you do it up with color? or play it safe?

 oh....and I have increased my baking too- the other great thing about Fall! Here is to soup's on, fresh baked bread, pumpkin pie, sweatshirts, crunchy leaves and warm sun with a cool breeze. 

Open House Party
Feathered Nest Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
What's It Wednesday
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Creative Things Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday 
Home Sweet Home
Funky Junk
Home and Garden Thursday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Potpourri Friday

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Celebration Giveaway!

Celebrating over 1000 Pinterest Followers!!  Wow so exciting The big push came from a post over a year and a half ago that just sat there......with not much happening, when Pinterest got a hold of it and thousands of visitors started coming to my blog. Purse Pocket! Some have labeled it DIY clutch, it started skyrocketing and made it to the top of my popular blog posts after nearly two years of idleness. Funny how that is! You can see the original post HERE and how it is made. So I am giving one to you along with a few other things to celebrate!! Your purse pocket will be black so it will go with most of your bags. So handy to fill with your little needed items and throw into any purse or bag as you go. No matter how many times I change my purse or shopping bag I grab my wallet and my purse pocket and I have most anything I need.

You will also get a set of vintage note cards.

a tea infuser

a set of lace valances

a wall mirror

two vintage white aprons

 and a wall hanger like the one I have in my vintage bath. Faux iron faucets mounted on a ruffed up board make a cute bath or outdoor feature, maybe even a laundry room accent.

  the whole prize package

Rules for entries
Each entry must be a separate comment, multiple entries on one comment will be counted as only one entry.
Open to US and Canada

Entries will be taken until October 1, 2012, winner will be notified via email. If you do not have a blogger ID you must leave your email address in your comment to be eligible. Be sure you are not a no reply blogger please-check your settings if you are unsure.
If there is no way to contact the winner a new winner will be drawn- yes this has happened before!!

1- Follow A Southern Belle With Northern Roots
1- Follow me on
1-Follow North Dakota Kitchen
1- Follow either blog on Facebook
1- blog about this giveaway
5- create a Pinterest board called A Southern Belle With Northern Roots and pin 4 or more images from this blog and leave the link in the comment
That is up to 10 entries - 6 separate comments remember.

blessings and thanks for visiting

Fall- the Mantel

More Fall color bursting on the mantel. Mixed with vintage patina, metal shoe forms serve as candle holders and jars and bottles are topped with ceramic pumpkins and potpourri.

Burlap as a base anchors the rustic fall look.

I am fortunate to have a large shelf that acts as a second mantel of sorts or at least makes it easy to elongate the look.

Such cozy warm colors. I love fall!

Be sure and check out my giveaway while your here! See link at top right corner!

Open House Party
Feathered Nest Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
What's It Wednesday
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Creative Things Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday 
Home Sweet Home
Funky Junk
Home and Garden Thursday
Simple and Sweet Fridays
Potpourri Friday

October Fest of Fun!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Saturday, September 15, 2012

End of the Season Finds

As our season of sales begins to close there was one last big push of yard sale fodder to be found. The last weekend of the flea and now we will trickle to sales. Fall is gorgeous and hopefully it will hang on but those of us in ND know what is lurking around the corner.
I was happy to find a sale with some old glassware, especially at 50 cents a pop.

One even had it's own- message in a bottle.

Some kind of a jar lantern- modified from??

 One more milk glass lamp only a buck.

   but ...
Bee still my heart - it's a vintage bee smoker!! I would love to have bees! As a city girl I think it would be frowned upon by my neighbors, my dog and my husband, perhaps the city too. Alas, I can still read books on bee keeping and display this beauty.
An old Ford emblem, ready to be cleaned and shined for my husbands room!

A great little pulley and
I did not know what these were....
I had never seen them. I collect what they go with but would have never known what they are. Do you?

blessings and thanks for visiting

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fall Decorating- post one

Fall has arrived!
Wisps of color
crisp falling leaves
and pumpkins!! This year I grew my first, all small but lovely.

Each year I accumulate more things I like...stuff I don't really want to pack away for the holidays. I have had to learn to decorate with the most bang- and the least space.
For both Fall and Christmas this means small items that fit along what I already love.
Little leaves and berries  take up little space and little storage. Real pumpkins end up in a pie. So most of my usual decor stays out now with just little bits of color. This actually makes a bigger impact because rather than a couple vignettes of Fall, I can have it spread throughout the house.

This is just the beginning of the Fall posts, hope you check back in to see the rest.

Look closely at the things to do..... see a giveaway in the works??

Metamorphosis Monday
Tabletop Tuesday
Funky Junk

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Collectibles- Enamelware

 Enamelware, I am a huge fan! I collect old pieces as well a few new. Something about the weight, the shine, and of course that history. How many people really drank coffee from the pot, or sipped water from a well using that dipper?

I think the pieces are simple yet elegant. I use a few for storage, each of the pieces below is stuffed with kitchen items I use from time to time but do not need to be out taking up space in a drawer or cupboard.

I am quite partial to the colanders and can't seem to leave one at a sale. Most vintage pieces have cost me less than a couple dollars, there are only two of the (vintage) pieces shown in this post that cost a little more. any guesses?

I actually use my pieces, as much as possible, I do most of my chocolate melting in a vintage enamel double boiler. I keep the larger bowls on the wall and every trip to the garden at harvest time I grab one. They return filled with fresh vegetables and what I love is that they can stay on the counter filled with veggies for days looking great.

I enjoy the look of enamelware bursting with produce so I use them for a fruit bowls.

Whether filled with flowers, fruit or just sittin pretty. I love my enamelware! Do you collect?

Check out Collectors Weekly for some information on enamelware.

Treasure Hunt Thursday
Open House Party
Feathered Nest Friday
Vintage Inspiration Friday
Nifty Thrifty Sunday
Thrifty Things Friday
What's It Wednesday
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Time Travel Thursday
Treasure Hunt Thursday
Creative Things Thursday
Share Your Cup Thursday 
Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Home Sweet Home
Funky Junk
Home and Garden Thursday

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