A Southern Belle With Northern Roots

A Southern Belle With Northern Roots

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Friday, June 20, 2014

Keeping Up- or not

I keep saying.....I am so behind on blogging, then I look at my blog and see how very little I have posted and I am astounded at how little I have been doing, on all my blogs!  Since starting , life has taken the busy turn, even with only occasional shows as a vendor and no shop.....it is overwhelming! In a good way, but it takes over life for sure.  We have now fully invaded a 6x12 storage room, our regular shed- to which one must hire a staff to unload to get to the mower- our new 6x12 trailer is stocked and of course both spare bedrooms with spillage into the rest of the house. All for one show so far this year and 5 upcoming!
 Jewelry is fantastic, it allows me a little sit quietly and create time, plus it takes up very little room compared to furniture and vintage finds. It is however, only about 15% of my booth.

Frames, nightstands, sewing cabinets, yard sticks, fan blades, shoe forms, all litter our home, in process or drying or waiting for repair.

 Once in a while I actually get to create my own vignette, bake a little and straighten up. Only to loose sight once again of my once clean organized home.

made from rescued wood

There are only so many places to stash huge frames, signs and benches!

  My husband designed this bench, made from 4 different curb side finds:
back is crib, seat is a kitchen table section, front legs are from a chair and hardware accents are from drawers of a dresser.
 Painted with Annie Sloan Old Ochre, I think it turned out quite gothic. I always love watching how people react to pieces at shows, this one should be interesting.

We just returned from a tip to Mississippi to see family, I have some wonderful cute photos of my step mom and my dads house to show you. You can see a few of her things on my board called Rachel's House

I hope you are having a great Summer!

Be Inspired
Inspire Me Tuesday
Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays

What's It Wednesday
What We Accomplished Wednesday
Wow us Wednesdays
Open House Wednesdays
Adorned From Above
Cottage Style Party
Bissful Whites Wednesday

Time Travel Thursdays
Share Your Cup Thursdays
Vintage Thingy Thursday
Home and Garden Thursday
Home Sweet Home

Vintage Inspiration Friday
Miss Mustard Seed
Show and Tell Friday
Feathered Nest Friday
Home Sweet Home

Funky Junk

Nifty Thrifty Sundays
Sunday Showcase

blessings and thanks for visiting



I'm so glad you posted about this.
I was wondering how your business was taking off-- and how you were managing. I can totally relate to this...
"Once in a while I actually get to create... Only to loose sight once again of my once clean organized home."
I get that!

Don't forget... people can follow you on INSTAGRAM TOO!



That bench and that green frame are beautiful! Thank you for linking with Home Sweet Home!


excellent use of discards for that bench...I so do hear you on the no time to blog,,,I feel I have been neglectful too lately but trying to get back to writing out all the words that prance thru my head and reading blogs I enjoy visiting like yours...


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