A Southern Belle With Northern Roots

A Southern Belle With Northern Roots

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Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Hometalk Countertop Idea Board

About 50,000 of you have visited my posts on how we tackled our countertops, many more have pinned the posts. I have tried to keep updates on how the countertop fared over time. I can say I am about to repaint and seal it better. The last time we only put one coat of sealer on because I was unsure of the outcome and that has been the only issue, had I sealed properly I would not have staining in some areas now. But...since I use it everyday, and even do projects and paint furniture on it....I would say it has proven itself and I will be sticking with the method we used. You can read about part one HERE and Part two HERE.

 You will notice that in part one I used Rust-oleum and
  it did NOT go well for us. We did not use the kit but the paint alone, (which said you did not need any other materials), however some people have has success, especially with the kits.

If you have been looking for budget friendly ways to redo your counters, not afraid of a little elbow grease, and ....maybe not too much of a perfectionist, I mean....things can go wrong, then- let me introduce you to my Hometalk idea board for counters.
 I was asked to compile a board of ideas for refinishing counters, a place where you can go to get inspiration and help.
If you are  a Hometalk user you already know what a great site this is, if not let me tell you how it works.
You create a profile and you can clip- like pinning on Pinterest- your favorite posts. You can even add your own by uploading your photos, you don't need to be a blogger or have a website.
Another great feature, is you can ask questions and get advice from others who have tried to tackle something similar, as well as help from the many professionals that use Hometalk.

You can follow my board on ideas for countertops by clicking HERE and this graphic for use later!
You will see posts on using piant, wood, even concrete, what went right and what went wrong as well as ideas on sealing and times for curing, so much advice and real experiences from real people.

Be sure and check out Hometalk for fun projects, advice, how to's, and inspiration!

blessings and thanks for visiting

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