Monday, May 9, 2011

Blooms and my Buddy

 Pansies peeking

 Miniature Iris

             Grape Hyacinth

 Bright yellow tulips.
 The flowers are beginning to bloom, the grass needs it's first mow.  Leaves on the trees are just starting, things here are behind, a good two weeks or more. It is one of the latest plant seasons for farmers in the area. Lots of snow that was slow to leave, cool temps, Spring rains and a flood set things back but now we are off to a new season.
Birds singing...I love the sound of doves and robins.
Lilac leaves which means soon....LILACS!!!
Windows open during the night, sitting on the deck watching the sun go down with a cup of chamomile tea, bar b ques! What is the best thing about Spring to you?

 Casey's favorite thing is that we will sit outside with her now. She doesn't have to sit on an ice patch any longer! She can chase the bunnies...sort of. She tries anyway.
Perhaps you can see how her arm is sitting funny? She has a very large tumor under there, it is the size of a small football and it keeps growing. She is 12 now. She moves quite slow, it is hard to get up and hard to get comfortable. Winter is long here and so with great sorrow we, as a family, are going to have to make a decision this summer. I hate that thought.

blessings and thanks for visiting



Oh she looks so content... And i so so so hate that part of having animals. You have them for so long. And enjoy so much time with them. And then the good bye time comes. Kills me! As far as making that decision making time coming up... listen to your heart... and i so don't envy you....:)
My mini irises just got done. Loved them! The tulips are about done are the grape hyacinths... :) I wonder if we like them so much because of the long hard winter!


Casey is beautiful, any decision is going to be hard. I guess we have to know when to say goodbye.

You have the same blooming for you as we have here, although we have had to have our grass cut a few times. I hope to get out and do some serious gardening soon!

Have a great week, Shannon!



My heart goes out to you, Shannon ... have walked in those shoes of difficult choices. What a beauty Casey is.

Your blooms are gorgeous ... I am so excited to see mine blooming here & there in the gardens.

Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day ~

5 Day GIVEAWAY, pop over.

perennialgardener said...

It's wonderful seeing all the spring bloomers that have long since past bloomed here blooming in your garden now. :)


Your flowers are all beautiful-enjoy:@)


all of your flowers are beautiful! Tulips and pansies faded long ago here. I'm sort of in between blooms. The Peonies are about to pop though.
Casey...look at that face! It's hard to let go, I have been there. I hope you will know when it's time to say goodbye.


Casey looks very happy out there on the grass. No matter what decision you make, it looks like she has had a happy and well loved life. :)

Our flowers are beginning to bloom too and my husband just mowed our grass for the first time last weekend.
Yay Spring!!!



Your colors are so bright and beautiful! The best part of Spring is getting in the garden and watching everything turn green. Happy Bloomin' Tuesday!


For not being so far apart, your garden and flowers are so far ahead of ours. WMart still doesn't have flowers out here. Late this afternoon warmed up a little, but still no sun. Casey looks comfortable in spite of her tumor. Good luck to her this summer.


I am late getting by this week...I'm sad to hear about Casey. As others have said, it's the most difficult thing to say good bye to a loyal pet who gives us so much joy. God bless you.
So happy you are getting some bright colors. Like you, I like sitting outside and enjoying the warm weather and the fragrance of lilac blooms is a favorite!


Enjoying your wonderful photos!!!
Happy to have found you to follow.... :)


I'm sad about Casey. I wouldn't want to have to decide that. It is so hard to say good bye to a family member like that. You have some beautiful blooms now. We are passing spring right on up here in the south. Setting record highs lately. Way too hot. And dry.


Your flowers are beautiful and so is Casey. She has such a sweet face and I understand the difficult decision that's to be made. We've "been there" with our fox terrier many years ago.
Take care,


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