Sunday, January 30, 2011

Top Ten Sale Finds part 2

 Here are the rest of the top ten sale finds! See 6-10 HERE.

#5 Dishes!!! Lots of dishes.
 The nearly full set of china was only $3, Although I have NO more cupboard space for dishes, they are my weakness at a sale.

 #4 Rusty Junk...and lots of it.
 from 24 cents to a few can you pay too much for good rust I ask?

 #3 Old Tool Trays...I absolutely love these.
   usually around $1-$5

 #2 Furniture
 All 3 of these were found curbside, tossed out, and we scooped them up for free

 I love this old dresser, although it is missing the mirror and the top is in bad shape, it is just like the one my grandma and grandpa had. (please excuse the c-pap machine)...not photostaged.

         Before photos

 #1 Old chairs

 The black chair was $2 and the green was only $1.

 The yellow rocker was curbside also and we fixed it up, the red was from a sale at 50 and just needed a little paint! You can see more on them HERE

 Linking with

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Junkin Friday @ Al A Carte
Favorite Things with Laurie

blessings and thanks for visiting

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Power of Words

 In honor of Cortney over at Living and Loving in California, here is a challenge. Her internet has been down so her posts have been one line titles! How much fun, talk about rising to the occasion.

My kids once took a writing course, in it the winning entry for a 6 word story  was read....
For sale
baby shoes
never worn

wow, words can say a lot. is your challenge- leave a comment 15 words or less that tell me a story. Maybe I will pick a winner!

blessings and thanks for visiting

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Top Ten Sale Finds part 1

 Since it is mid winter here with umteen feet of snow and below zero temps....I long for a good garage sale. Yes we have antique stores in town, but it is just not the same! I love my cup of coffee and a hard break at the first garage sale sign of the day. oh how I long for April to come.
so I decided to recap some of my best and favorite garage sale finds!
Starting with # 10
Plant stands, pots, planters etc. I really like real Terracotta

 Average price paid..50 cents, the stand above was $5.00
 note- mirror in background is painted mirror at end of this post.

 #9 Potting Bench
Now I found this at the very end of the year so I never got to use it yet....I just put stuff in for storage, and had to evict a squirrel twice!


 #8 Milk Glass

 all pieces were bought for 25 to 50 cents each! yep!
 see more milk glass here

Now actually this should be up on the list, because some pieces rank really high, but overall I will put it here.

 Prices vary, from less than a dollar to one purchase of this tray and pot, sugar bowl, creamer and a gravy boat for $15.

 #6 Mirrors, frames etc.

 From 50cents to $3.50

 Stay tuned for the top 5...and if you are in a climate where you can go to a sale now...I am so jealous.

Nifty Thrifty Tuesday @ Coastal Charm
Junkin Friday @ Al A Carte
Favorite Things with Laurie

blessings and thanks for visiting

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What the Heck is it?

 Funky Junk is hosting a What the heck is it?  I have a couple things I would love to know if you know more about them.

 One is this box. I just adore it.  Very well made with a great latch, quality joining and a curious slot that makes it look like it slid into something bigger.

 I store candles etc in it, I only paid $2 at a garage sale thinking my dad would like it but by the time I got home I was in love with the piece and he never got it. shhh

 Next up is what ever this is?

 I love the rusty patina, it is pretty thin metal and very light weight.

 So I hang my hand towels on it. What else would I do with it?


blessings and thanks for visiting

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Purse Pocket

 A quick project that helps keep you organized. I love this, I can keep all the little things I need in one place and it is quick and easy to toss from purse to purse, in the car, diaper bag, tote etc.
  Take a pot holder and on the right side across from the loop sew a button.

 Layer opposite each other 8 snack size zip lock bags. Cris cross them one to the left, one right and so forth.

 Let some of each bag overlap the center so when you sew them there is ample room to keep from slipping out. You may use tape to stabilize bags temporarily.
Next using a piece of gross grain ribbon or other sturdy ribbon or fabric, zig zag a piece the length of the pot holder, being careful to catch all baggies.
 When finished it will look like this, remove any tape you may have used.

 Now the fun part. Fill it with all the little things you need that tend to get lost in your purse.  Safety pins, dental floss, hand wipes, business cards, hair bands etc.

 Joining Lamb Around
            Funky Junk

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

23 Years of Marriage

 23 years ago January 16, 1988.
I made my wedding dress. I had an old Gambles sewing machine, it must have weighed 30 pounds. All metal and pink! It had a straight stitch and a zig zag and the bobbin winder was broken. So  while I laid out yards of fabric for the train down the long apartment hall way, my husband to be invented a bobbin winder. He used a tortillon (a paper blender artists use when drawing, cone shaped)
 and his electric razor and zip....he wound me several bobbins.

 I was NOT a bridezilla, and I am thankful for that. I let him pick the wedding color, much to my later regret. His mom was in charge of flowers, I turned over the entire reception to my wonderful aunts and everything fell into place. Today......I can't imagine me, a control freak, not being in every detail. exception. We trusted the pastor to pick our singer......
well let's say that was not wise. When she started to sing in her very soprano, vibrato voice our ring barer was caught on the video turning to look at his mom with eyes the size of saucers and his mouth wide open! I have to say that is exactly how we felt. Bless her heart.

We were married in a church but were not church attenders. Years later, after being saved by grace, I listened again to our ceremony and realized the pastor talked of love  
agape- divine, self sacrificing, God given and God driven
phileo- friendship, affection
eros- erotic, sex

 Marriage must have all 3. Eros generally comes easy at first and must never be forgotten.
Phileo must grow in trust, forgiveness, enjoyment of being together. Just like regular friendships, it requires work.
Agape- if it weren't for God we would not be together. This is the love that comes from him and for many years we were a couple when we should have been a cord of three. At times things were really rough, we both came from backgrounds heavy in baggage.

With God.... times can still be tough, but baggage can be laid down, hurts can be healed, forgiveness is possible, passion can be renewed and strength for the day is plentiful.

One word of marital advice.......don't change your partner, you can't. Change yourself.
With God all things are possible.
   Even getting over blue satin. ( I would have picked mauve)

blessings and thanks for visiting

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Winter Blooms

 Winter may be firmly entrenched here, with several feet of snow and more on the way, gloomy -25 dangling out in the forecast, but inside there are a few rays of light.
 The orchid is showing off!

 The Amaryllis is standing tall.

 And the African violets are peeking around.
 I am amazed, these are the first violets I have ever grown, I got them this summer, they were very over watered when I was in the hospital and they are in the bedroom which is least 10 degrees colder than the rest of the house. Light is indirect and not a lot of it this time of year. they are in full bloom!

 My view is much better inside than out....


 Walmart shopping carts.

This however is rather pretty.


 I am linking with White Wednesday @ Faded Charm

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